Always TRAP your sneeze or cough using the inside of your elbow or in a KLEENEX® tissue covering your nose and mouth.
Always BIN your tissue after using it once,or put it in a plastic bag.
Sanitise or wash your hands thoroughly and regularly (immediately if you sneeze or cough into your hands).
WASH hands for 20 seconds using soap
RINSE under the tap
DRY front and back
Don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Stay home if you are unwell.
Program Aims:
Highlight the importance of correct hygiene and tissue use to help prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria.
Responds to the ‘Personal Health and Physical Development’ and ‘Healthy Communities and Environments’ strands of the national health curriculum.
Encourage children to understand the 4 key steps to staying Kleenex® SneezeSafe® by bringing the lessons to life through fun activities.
Designed to lift standards of cold and flu hygiene practised by children and to stop bad habits before they start.